Wednesday, August 31, 2005 INXS go deaf on RockStar: INXS INXS go deaf on RockStar: INXS
'Jordis Unga performed "Imagine" by John Lennon every bit as well as I would have expected. This one suits her voice much better than last week's "Dream On." I think she'll do well musically, but she's not suited for INXS. She did great on this song, but her soulful voice is much more suited for ballads and soulful songs than INXS songs. Dave called it phenomenal. Kirk called it spellbinding, but wondered why she picked this week to play guitar. Jordis answered that she wanted to sit and feel the music. Jon felt she should have been in the bottom three last week (to which Jordis agreed), but she redeemed herself this week. It took a lot for him to not cry as she sang this song. '

I agree with about her performance last week. However, I totally disagree about her not being suited for for INXS. I think Jordis just need's to find her pitch and that will be defined with what ever songs are writen.

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